Web code to sell accounts Game Genshin Impact + League of Legends

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The source code is packaged with a duplicator, so you can install it by following these steps: 

Download the installation file and unzip it, there will be 2 files: 1 compressed source code file + 1 installer.php file Download these 2 files to the public directory of your hosting or localhost. 

Create a database on your hosting or localhost. 

Open a browser, access the url: domain.com/installer.php (with domain.com replaced with your domain name) 

Follow each step as instructed by the tool to install If the installation process has problems or is unclear, you can see the following article: https://quangcaobacninh.net/cai-web-su-dung-duplicator-huong-dan-su-dung-de-cai-dat-va-nhan-ban-website/ Or learn more about installation by searching for the keyword "web installation with duplicator" Or you can contact me for support. Thank you!


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